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Egypt turmoil grows as army deadline set to expire

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 3 July 2013 | 04:56

Egypt turmoil grows as army deadline set to expire

 Egypt turmoil grows as army deadline set to expire

CAIRO: With a military deadline for a resolution to Egypt's political crisis looming, the country braced for a showdown Wednesday after embattled President Mohammed Morsi insisted he will not step down in the face of demands by millions of protesters, vowing to protect his ‘constitutional legitimacy’ with his life.

On the streets, the sense that both sides are ready to fight to the end sharpened, with overnight clashes between supporters of the president and opponents that left at least 23 dead, most of them in a single incident of fighting outside Cairo University.

The violence came just hours before a deadline set by the military was to expire Wednesday for Morsi to find a solution with the opposition or the army would impose its own political plan. The draft would see the military suspend the constitution, disband parliament and install a new leadership.

With his political fate hanging in the balance, Morsi demanded in a speech late Tuesday that the powerful armed forces withdraw their ultimatum, saying he rejected all ‘dictates’ _ from home or abroad.

In an emotional address aired live to the nation, Morsi who a year ago was inaugurated as Egypt's first freely elected president accused loyalists of his ousted autocratic predecessor Hosni Mubarak of exploiting the wave of protests to topple his regime and thwart democracy.

‘There is no substitute for legitimacy,’ said Morsi, at times angrily raising his voice, thrusting his fist in the air and pounding the podium. He warned that electoral and constitutional legitimacy ‘is the only guarantee against violence.’

The statement showed that Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood are prepared to run the risk of challenging the army. It also entrenches the lines of confrontation between his supporters and Egyptians angry over what they see as his efforts to impose control through the Brotherhood and his failures to deal with the country's multiple problems.

As anti- and pro-Morsi supporters geared up for the fourth consecutive day of mass rallies Wednesday, it was clear that Egypt's crisis has become a struggle over whether a popular uprising can overturn the verdict of the ballot box.

Morsi's opponents say he has lost his legitimacy through mistakes and power grabs and that their turnout on the streets over the past three days shows the nation has turned against him.

On Tuesday, millions of jubilant, chanting Morsi opponents again filled Cairo's historic Tahrir Square, as well as avenues adjacent to two presidential palaces in the capital, and main squares in cities nationwide.

After Morsi's speech, they erupted in indignation, banging metal fences to raise a din, some raising their shoes in the air in a show of contempt. ‘Leave, leave,’ they chanted.

The president's supporters also moved out in increased marches in Cairo and other cities, and stepped up warnings that it will take bloodshed to dislodge him. While Morsi has stuck to a stance that he is defending democracy in Egypt.

Political violence was more widespread on Tuesday, with multiple clashes between the two camps in Cairo as well as in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria and other cities. A march by Morsi supporters outside Cairo University came under fire from gunmen on nearby rooftops.

At least 23 people were killed in Cairo and more than 200 injured, according to hospital and security officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. Most of the killings took place outside Cairo University in Cairo's twin city of Giza. (AP)

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